Each day begins with Circle Time, where the whole class comes together in a circle to sing the“How are you?”song, take attendance, sing, dance and explore the monthly themes. Action songs, new songs and class favourites get the children moving and warmed up physically and mentally for the day ahead. Everyone is encouraged to speak, say how they are feeling and ask and answer questions about the things that are important to them.
During Calendar Time, the children learn about the days of the week, the months of the year, the date and the weather. Calendar Time helps the children to develop a sense of time and routine. Special dates and occasions, such as birthdays, Christmas and kindergarten events, are discussed during Calendar Time.
YMCA International Kindergarten:YIKでの楽しい一日は、サークルタイムで始まります。みんなで輪になって、大好きな歌の時間。身体全体を動かして歌う歌、手あそびの歌、動物を数える歌、歌いながら、ジャンプしながら、楽しくて仕方がない子どもたちの笑い声が教室に響きます。