In the Learning Centre, the children take part in arts & crafts, social studies, arithmetic, science and cooking lessons. Each class has a monthly theme, and the Learning Centre activities relate directly to these themes. The Learning Centre can also extend field-trips and outings. The Learning Centre is not for the purpose of “study” but, rather, an extension of having fun. The objective of the programme is for children to learn through immersion and to experience the joy and satisfaction of completing a task. Each lesson is designed with enjoyable, hands-on learning in mind.
“Stations” provides a unique learning experience for students as they rotate between several different themed learning stations. A combination of reading, writing, science, social studies, math, rhythm and coordination, calligraphy, guitar, and independent learning provides teachers with the opportunity to work with students one-on-one or in small groups. This way, teachers are able to meet all of the students’individual needs. Each station is led by a different teacher, exposing the children to a variety of different teaching styles, accents and cultures, thereby maximizing their learning experience.
Honey Horse クラス(年中)・
Timothy Tiger クラス(年長)カリキュラム。