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We feel that experiencing and enjoying music can enrich children’s life in a myriad of ways. More importantly, children love “ongaku”(music), which literally means “sound play” in Japanese. At YIK, we not only integrate music and rhythmic activities into the daily schedule of the children but we have also introduced a specialized original music curriculum, developed by a music specialist.
Beginning with the development of the “musical ear” through the study of Solfage, and music notation, they will listen to a large variety of music, including live performances, to enhance their enjoyment of music. Such live performances take place several times a year and are given by professional musician; an opportunity not to be missed!

YMCA International Kindergarten:YIKでは、毎日の生活のなかで歌やリズムを積極的に取り入れることはもちろん、専門の音楽アドヴァイザーによるオリジナル・ カリキュラムを導入しています。“音楽の耳”を作るソルフェージュの基礎、音符の学習、たくさんの美しい歌、演奏を聴く楽しみなど、本当にもりだくさんです。

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