We stand in solidarity with those who oppose military aggression and seek peace
The YMCA of Japan recognizes its historical responsibility in World War II and pledges in the “YMCA ofJapan Basic Principles” to work together with the people of the world to achieve peace. With regard to the recent invasion of Ukraine by Russia, we strongly oppose military aggression andhope that war will not be the solution to international disagreements, but that a diplomaticsolution throughdialogue and cooperation will be found and that the armed conflict will end as soon as possible. War destroys in an instant the cities where people live their daily lives, soldiers of both countries takeeach other’s lives, and many citizens, including children in Ukraine, aredeprived of their human rights anddignity of life. If the war continues, more blood will be spilled and more innocent lives will be taken. Their families, friends, acquaintances, and our tears of grief multiply tens of thousands of times. Ourthoughts are with the people of Ukraine, who are in a state of fear and anxiety at thismoment. The YMCA of Ukraine has been working for young people suffering from war since World War I. Sincethen, under the control of the Communist Party, the YMCA has been working behind the scenes tosupport young people and children suffering from ethnic conflict and poverty in 25 locations throughoutUkraine. Both the YMCA of Ukraine and the YMCA of Russia are members of the YMCA Europe,whichhas a complex history. They are focusing on Youth Led Solutions, which seek peace and justice, build peace through dialoguebased on human rights and democracy, and seek solutions to youth issues through youngpeople’semployment and mental health. Immediately after the invasion, the YMCA of Ukraine began providing accommodation, food, clothing,and hygiene products for those fleeing the bombed areas, and will continue to providepsychosocialsupport for children and youth. YMCAs in Ukraine’s neighboring countries cooperate with each other toreceive displaced people and provide livelihood support 24 hours a day. There have been demonstrations against the war in Russia, but under the current political system it isdifficult to have much power, however YMCAs around the world stand in solidarity with allthose who wantpeace. The YMCA in Japan will immediately call for fundraising activities and support these activities. In order to prevent human rights and democracy from being threatened in the world and in Asia, wepray for peace even if we are powerless, and hope that we can show our solidarity and actionwith thosewho seek peace by raising our voices against war and that there will be no peace by force as our dailydesire for peace. In addition, people in Japan who have close relations with Ukraine and Russia, as well as internationalstudents at YMCA, members and their families may be greatly affected. The YMCA will takenecessarymeasures such as providing support to the people concerned, and strive to prevent prejudice anddiscrimination.
The National Council of YMCAs of Japan General Secretary Tsutomu Taguchi
Hiroshima YMCA strongly protests against the armed invasion of Ukraine by Russian forces. 【English】 On 24 February, Russian President Vladimir Putin invaded the democratic country of Ukraine inresponse to Ukraine's attempts to join the European Union (EU)and North Atlantic Treaty Organisation(NATO) and to "protect its security". The Russian military invaded Ukraine to "protect its security". Theinvasion of Ukraine by Russian forces is aviolation of international law and cannot be tolerated. In hisspeech on the invasion of Ukraine, Russian President Vladimir Putin boasted that "Russia is a nuclearpower". As a YMCA in theA-bombed city of Hiroshima, we cannot allow this act to undermine the spirit ofthe Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons that came into force at the United Nations last January. We hope and pray that the people of Ukraine, who are in the midst of fear and uncertainty, will soon findpeace of mind, and we join with people around theworld who are opposed to Russia's armed aggressionin urging the immediate withdrawal of Russian troops from Ukraine.
27 February 2022
Hiroshima YMCA
General Secretary TakayoshiTono